EZU is a reliable machining company.
In 2016 we delivered 100 million components for diesel production and in 2017 we delivered another 250 million components for the automatic transmission industry.
The Vicivision system ensures that data can be collected reliably.
Data from the measuring machine is transmitted to the production machine.
All processes are regulated autonomously, independent of human interaction to eliminate errors.
Once the first programs are created the VICIVISION is a routine tool that is very easy to use.
There is a clamping system in which you clamp the parts and press the button, so there are no errors, which can be caused by tilted parts or parts measured at different points. This means the measurement is always the same.

We never compromise on technology, as a business we strive to invest in the technology that offers the best service at great value.
This machine is perfect for turned parts, thanks to the fast measuring cycle you can measure large quantities in very little time without losing accuracy.
The overall package, the scalability, the dimensions, the range of the machines and the precision all led towards our investment in VICIVISION and then implementing several systems in one shot.