Do you produce turned parts?
The optical measuring machine for all CNC lathes.
What is the best way to measure turned parts?
By using a machine that clamps the part just like a lathe would: with centers and a chuck.
Where can I measure my parts?
Where it offers an immediate benefit; right next to the lathe.
Do I need specialized personnel?
Thousands of turneries are already using it in complete autonomy. We guide you until you obtain the end result.

What can PRIMA do for you?
Reduces waste,
lowering costs and environmental impact -
Gives objective measures
by eliminating human error and avoiding disruptions -
Obtains swift results
to save time -
Stores digital data
for the production to use. To keep the process in check.
Accessible solutions for all lathe operators looking for easy and fast control and reliable results.

Detectable measures
Static measures:
– diameter
– length
– angle
– radius
– chamfer
Dynamic measures:
– coaxiality
– runout
– circularity
– cylindricity
– taper
– nominal diameter
– pitch diameter
– core diameter
– crests angle
– pitch
– roll dimension
– diameter
– asymmetry
– timing
Profile measurements (optional):
– DXF comparison
– DXF export
What makes PRIMA unique?
All the experience of thousands of VICIVISION clients into a machine optimized for turning process control.
Simplified software for fast programming.
The interface is designed to meet the needs of the end user.
Different environments based on the type of user.
Vivian, the new measurement assistant, guides you step-by-step through program creation.
It reduces operator training and programming time.
The e-learning platform illustrates and explains with a real voice, to support you in every moment.
A training course for new users; for those who want to review and deepen the basics they have learned in the initial course or to improve their knowledge.
The remote programming service.
A VICI technician ready to connect with the customer in real time to help them in the creation of a program.

Simplicity allows each operator to control the production process at any time.
The aim is to provide high measurement standards in a new competitive and compact machine.
Detect hundreds of measurements in seconds on all turned and ground parts.
The measuring fields of this new series are from 60 to 140 mm of diameter, from 300 to 600 mm of lenght.
Hundreds of measurements in seconds on turned and ground parts.
Prima is the optical shop floor measuring machine that helps you to produce more.
Speed up processes, track quality, reduce rejects and downtime.
The 90% of the measurement tools you use every day in a single solution with a fast return on investment.