质量保证国际贸易展览会CONTROL(www.control-messe.de)是全球工业质量保证领域的行业一流展会。每年 5月,超过900家世界领先的测量和检测技术展商集聚于此,在德国汽车之都斯图加特向世界各地的供应商和用户们展示着有关这一领域的最新产品技术与解决方案。
在最近举办的2019年控制展会中,光学测量系统的日益突出显示了强劲的行业趋势。来自意大利,拥有全球业务的家族企业 VICI & C.是这一领域的创新领导者。在 VICIVION (www.vicivision.com) 和 METRIOS (www.metrios.net) 的双品牌下, 该公司为金属切削行业的车间应用提供了广泛的先进光学测量解决方案。
在斯图加特,METRIOS 展示的数字测量系统在多方面都明显优于传统的轮廓投影仪技术。在工业4.0 时代,生产方法正在迅速变化,数字互联的测量解决方案越来越受关注。
METRIOS 系统大大缩短了测量时间,特别是在多个测量功能的情况下。独特的软件设计允许直观的编程,并使测量成为操作员的一项简单任务。
christoph.hoene@hoene-consult.de | ziwei.zhang@hoene-consult.de | https://hoene-consult.de/
CONTROL is the leading international trade fair for quality assurance (www.control-messe.de). Every year in May the show attracts 900 exhibitors of measuring and inspection technology to Stuttgart, the automotive capital of Germany.
At the recent CONTROL 2019, a strong industry trend was demonstrated by the growing prominence of optical measuring systems. An innovation leader in this field is the Italian company VICI & C., a family-owned manufacturer with a global footprint. Under the twin brands VICIVISION (www.vicivision.com) and METRIOS (www.metrios.net), the company offers a broad range of advanced optical measuring solutions for shop floors applications of the metal cutting industry.
In Stuttgart, METRIOS displayed digital measuring systems that outclass conventional profile projectors. In the era of Industry 4.0 production methods are changing rapidly and require digital, interconnected measuring solutions. METRIOS systems reduce the measuring time drastically, in particular in case of multiple measuring features. The unique software design allows for intuitive programming and makes measuring an easy task for the operator.
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